Stop snoring with Silensor-SL
Up to 40% of the population in industrialized countries snore.
The decrease in muscle tone during sleep causes the narrowing of the upper respiratory tract, thus accelerating the respiratory flow of air. Because of this, various structures in the area of the upper respiratory system begin to vibrate, causing the sound of snoring. Therefore, snoring is a mechanical process that can be controlled by a mechanical method.
Dental therapy, in this case, provides extremely good results that have no harmful side effects.
Although light or primary snoring has no health consequences, rhonchopathy, or abnormal snoring, has a negative effect on health.
Apnea is a complete cessation of breathing. Sleep apnea is, in rare cases, a serious disease that can cause not only sleepiness during the day, but also a number of serious conditions of the body.
Obstructive apnea is a complete shutdown of the respiratory system where, in the case of central apnea, the central respiratory reflex stops. Obstructive apnea is characterized by the interruption of very noisy snoring (rhoncopathy). Intense sweating during the night, frequent urination at night and dry mouth can
be signs of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and upper airway resistance syndrome
roads (UARS)
Hypopnea is a reduction of the respiratory flow by more than 50%.
In order to evaluate the seriousness of the situation, we use the calculation of the apnea and hypopnea index (AHI). To obtain the results, apneas are counted (apnea lasting at least 10 seconds) for each hour of sleep. 10 apneas per hour result in an index of 10.
An index of 0 to 5 is normal, 5 to 10 is mild, 10 to 20 is moderate, and more than 20 is a serious disease.
Silensor-sl is the ideal solution for suppressing the harmful side effects that result from any apnea
Silensor-sl consists of one dental splint for the upper jaw and one dental splint for the lower jaw.
The lower jaw is kept in the front position (protrusion) with two connectors that are fixed laterally on the splints. In this way, the splint prevents the walls of the respiratory system from approaching. The velocity of the exhaled air decreases, as does the noisy vibration of the soft tissues. With Silensor-sl, mandibular movements are possible left-right and forward without pulling back. Due to this function, our splint is effective and comfortable at the same time. Clinical tests have shown that pushing the lower jaw forward significantly reduces snoring in more than 80% of patients and can reduce the apnea index by up to 50%.
Silensor-sl is expectedly very successful due to the fact that in most cases snoring is caused by narrowing of the airways. Due to its compact design, the device does not inhibit breathing through the mouth. In severe obesity, when the body mass index is greater than 30, the success of the treatment is questionable and the effectiveness is reduced. Silensor-sl cannot be used in edentulous patients.
It can be worn on dental prostheses that have solid mechanical retention.
The dentist assesses whether the teeth in the mouth can provide sufficient retention for Silensor-sl splints.
If it is sleep apnea, the effectiveness of Silensor-sl should be evaluated by sleep testing (in a sleep study laboratory) depending on the severity of the disease.
When inserting the Silensor-sl, the patient may have a feeling of discomfort, but this will disappear over time.